Sunday, December 11, 2005

Literature: A Shory History of Nearly Everthing - Mindblowing!

This work is the newest addition to a list of books I call my favourites, and I can count them on one hand.

If, like me, you've ever wondered anything about anything, chances are that this book will give you the answer (and perhaps get you asking a few more questions). I cannot overestimate the profound impact that Mr. Bryson's book has had on me, or my admiration for the man just in having completed it (where he found the time or the edurance is anyone's guess - Ed), but of one thing I am sure - I will certainly reread it (I'll have to just to take everything in). I won't lie - it's quite a heavy read, as many non-fictional works are, but he does manage to lighten the load with sharp wit and interesting observations on the subject matter.

Not often do I give a book a 5 star endorsement, but if any has earned one it's this.